Hello, this is my first post for my Myth and Folklore Blog and I am so excited to get the semester started!!!
This photo was taken pre-COVID by my sister Hey guys! My name is Savannah, I am a Senior PR major at the University of Oklahoma with a concentration in pre-law and a minor in History! I am taking a gap year in order to prepare for law school and hopefully enroll in the fall of 2022. I don't necessarily have a dream job, but I've wanted to go into law since I was 5 years old and I saw a lawyer on a TV show, and for some reason that called me to the profession. A weird fact about me is I've moved around a lot, I was born in Delaware, then moved to Georgia in Elementary school. In Middle School, I moved to Shanghai China and believe me growing up in a country where no one understands you is a bit frustrating, especially when middle school is already as difficult as it is. Then in High School, I moved to Kansas, and that is why I am currently at the University of Oklahoma today! I will say I absolutely hate sad movies or dramatic movies, but for some reason, I watch...
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