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Growth Mindset


                                        Picture from Growth Mindset and Feedback Cats

I've never heard of the Growth Mindset idea or Carol Dweck until this class, so this was my first time hearing about it at all. I understand the idea of it but I didn't realize there was necessarily a term for the idea. I think that the idea that giving students the "not yet" phrasing, provides them with the thought process that, they need to get to that spot. The word "yet" gives a bit of hope that one day they will get there and that means they have to work toward it. I've noticed that people who are confident in their abilities especially at school, typically will achieve more and get past a hard patch. People who believe they will fail will accept the bare minimum because they cannot see themselves achieving more. 

I've always had a relatively easy time in school, I was in gifted programs and aced all of my AP classes in High School. The word failure was never really in my vocabulary. If I did poorly on a test, I asked where I messed up and fixed it for the next test and ultimately have continuously been a straight-A student. I think I can attribute this to the mindset that I would not fail, and I would get an A regardless of messing up or making a mistake. 

I was blessed with a support system that didn't get upset with me for getting bad grades but incentivized me for getting good grades. It was ultimately my own choice to get good grades because I cared and wanted to learn and achieve more with my life. I think a lot of people lack a good support system at home and they need their role models and people in leadership positions at school to give them that support. So that they know that they will get there, and they are not failing, they aren't there YET.

I was honestly thinking about my time at OU the other day and realizing how incredibly easy the coursework has been. I feel as though I am only challenged in the classes that are more self-motivated. When I feel like I have something to learn, I try harder, but when I feel like I am wasting my time I become a bit stagnant and that is something I need to work on. I continue to get good grades because I set standards for myself, but I do feel myself drifting into complacency. I hope to make a conscious effort this semester to learn more about myself and hold myself to a higher standard of study. 


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