Apollo saved the city of Troy or the Greeks would've taken it. Apollo gave courage to Agenor so that Achilles could not slay him. Achilles was fighting Apollo disguised as the trojans snuck into the city as he was distracted. Hector waited for Achilles to come, his loved ones called out for him, but he stood steadfast. Athena appeared and said to Achilles that today is the day of his glory and Apollo shall not save Hector. Hector knew that the gods had cheated him and brought doom upon him. Achilles hit Hector where the spear would be most deadly, Achilles did not treat Hector with respect. He pierced the ankle bones of the dead man and dragged it to the ships, Hector's wife saw his body being drug and fell as if she were dead.
Hector's body was shamefully treated, Zeus did not like how he dishonored the body of the dead. Hector's dad came and brought gifts so that he could buy his sons body back from Achilles. Hermes went to make sure the king was guided so the Greeks did not find him before he reached Achilles. The king joined Hermes chariot, and there was a deep sleep put upon the guards so he could get in safely.
Achilles felt bad about what he had done and how his own father would feel, he took pity on him for his sorrows. Achilles cried to his dead friend and felt bad for giving the body of his son to the father. He gave the body to King Priam, he brought him to eat and drink as well. Achilles made him a bed to sleep, he said there should be a truce for 9 days so they could burry Hector. He left with Hermes and came safe to the city of troy, in the 9th day they buried Hector like they had never done before.
Not much later Achilles was killed by Paris himself with the help of an arrow guided by Apollo, and Troy was not taken. Then enter the Trojan horse. The city was taken.
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