Looking back I am happy with my progress so far, I think I am doing a good job expressing myself and using my work to be creative and come up with new things as well. I haven't done many extra credit options, but I have a feeling I may have to once things get busier with midterms and things like that. I have been attempting to change my blog and my storybook because I don't love how it looks, but I think that I can definitely do something to make it better.
Looking forward I am going to try and write better stories for this class, I feel like I am focusing a lot of my writing energy on Indian Epics because that is my portfolio assignment and I know I need better stories for that. That doesn't mean my Myth and Folklore stories don't need to be equally as fleshed out though.
I got this Gif from Giphy
I think this is very self motivational because I am prompting myself to know that continuing to stay on top of my work is important!
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