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Week 14 Reading A: Italian Popular Tales

Photo by kenny on Unsplash

This story is part of the Italian Popular Tales unit. Story source: Italian Popular Tales by Thomas Frederick Crane (1885).

Zelinda and the Monster:
There was a man who had three daughters all vastly different from one another. One had the fairest disposition, the others envied her greatly. The daughters asked their dad for presents, Rosina asked for a dress, Marietta wanted a shawl and Zelinda wanted just a rose. The man saw the rose in a beautiful rosebud he looked and there were no living souls in the area. Once he pulled the flower from the stock flames came from the earth and a terrible monster with the figure of a dragon hissed at him threatening to kill him for destroying his rosebush. The man begged for his life for his family to make sure they would remain safe. He assured the man that someone must die for the crime he had committed. Zelinda and her father went to the garden since it was her fault she volunteered to go. They returned and the marble statues lighted torches in their hands. 

When they came in the monster was satisfied with the young girl as an offering. When the monster was alone with Zelinda he was in love with her, making loving speeches to her and acting kind. There was no danger of him hurting her. He saw that she wanted nothing, he asked her everyday to be his wife but she continued to refuse. He told her that if she did not marry him her father would die, she did not want to marry him because he was ugly. When she realized that her father must die, she agreed to marry this monster. When she agreed he turned into a handsome young man. 


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