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Week 14 Story: Italian Micro-fiction


Photo by Bence Balla-Schottner on Unsplash

Zelinda and the Monster:

Father Goes to Town:

There was a man with three daughters, all different in disposition. They all asked him for something from town when he left. Rosina asked for a dress, Marietta wanted a shawl and Zelinda wanted just a rose. Their father was headed back when he realized he had no rose, he went into the field and found one to pick. Once he picked the rose, a monster appeared and began to threaten him. This monster threatened the man's life. The father begged and begged, he had three daughters at home alone he needed to care for. The monster let him go, but required a life.

Zelinda in the Castle:
Zelinda heard her father's story and knew it was all her fault, she volunteered to be given to the monster. When they got there, the beast was satisfied with his sacrifice and sent the father out. He kept the girl there and fell in love with her. Zelinda was indifferent, she could not love such a hideous disgusting thing. The monster would profess his love for her every day in the gardens. "Won't you marry me, things will change I swear it," but Zelinda continued to tell him she could never love him. He was too hideous. 

The Monster's Plan:
The monster told Zelinda that if she did not marry him, her father would surely die. He showed her the future in a mirror and she saw it to be true. She sobbed and sobbed knowing what she had to do. To save her father she must marry this cruel monster. "Okay monster, I will marry you to save my father." Once Zelinda spoke these words, a handsome youth took the place of this creature, shocking her entirely. She was completely okay with this marriage. They decided to elope and run away for true love had taken over them both.


  1. Hey Savanna! Loved the story! I found it kinda funny how the girl was okay with marrying the monster after he transformed. I mean didn't he just threaten to kill her father haha! Maybe he was trapped in some spell? I really liked how you separated the story into three different parts as well! Nicely done on this story!


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