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Week 15 Microfiction: Cryptids


For the past 400 years a 6 to 15 tall Sasquatch roamed the woods in the Pacific Northwest. Some say he is a remnant of Neanderthals other find him an anomaly. His quiet movements have kept him safe, but records have shown high pitched cries in the area. The Abominable Snowman and Yeti are kin to the American Bigfoot. He has been sighted but never caught. In Bluff Creek California a video was taken of a creature strolling through the forest. Why does Bigfoot wish to be hidden? Does he know something we don't? Probably.


The Chupacabra, chupar which means to suck and cabra which means goat, is a blood sucking reptilian creature that targets livestock. There are reports on farms in Puerto Rico of a vampiric creature targeting and draining blood from sheep and goats. People have described this cryptid to have the lower body of a kangaroo and the upper body of a primate with crab claws. Every found DNA match and photograph of alleged Chupacabra have been coyote-like-creatures with mange and disease. No one has ever photographed the Chupacabra but he continues to leave a trail of bodies in his wake.

The Jersey Devil:

The Jersey Devil or the Leeds Devil lives around Southern New Jersey and Philadelphia and has the head of a horse, body of a wyvern and wings of a bat. It was a product of Mother Leeds who had 12 children. When she found out she would have a thirteenth child, she cursed him and cried that the child would be the devil. In 1735, mother Leeds was giving birth and the child turned into the creature. It flew away up the chimney and escaped forever. Many local clergymen tried to exorcise the creature from the Pine Barrens to no avail.

Photos all by Cassie Tucker


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